Karnaugh Maps-數位邏輯設計筆記

Karnaugh Maps
Minimum Forms of Switching Functions
What is Minimum Forms?
- SOP: Minimum number of terms and literals.
- POS: Minimum number of factors and literals.
What is Karnaugh Map(K-Map)?
- A method to simplify boolean functions.
- For faster, simpler and optimum solutions.
2 and 3 Variables K-Maps
How to solve such problems?
- From Minterm's Perspective:
- Fill in the form of K-Map.
- Select the terms with the result of 1.
Every "1" must be covered.
The amount of the terms you select must be
. The terms you select must be adjacent to each other.
Bigger the circles are, simpler the result is.
- Ignore the literals with different inputs.
- Add ' appropriately and write down the terms.
- Done! ### Examples
4 Variables K-Maps
Minimum Forms with Essential Prime Implicants
- Single element of the ON-SET or any group of elements that can be combined together in a K-Map.
Prime Implicant
- Implicant that cannot be combined with another implicant to eliminate a term.
Essential Prime Implicant
- If an element of the ON-SET is covered by a single prime implicant, the prime implicant is essential prime implicant.
- Expand implicates into prime implicants.
- Cover the ON-SET with as few prime implicants as possible.
5 Variables K-Map
- Title: Karnaugh Maps-數位邏輯設計筆記
- Author: Shih Jiun Lin
- Created at : 2023-02-27 12:00:00
- Updated at : 2023-04-20 22:02:49
- Link: https://shih-jiun-lin.github.io/2023/02/27/Karnaugh Maps/
- License: This work is licensed under CC BY-NC-SA 4.0.